The Smart Choice: Exploring the Advantages of Smart Locks Over Traditional Keys for Home Security in Australia


As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, it's not surprising that our daily routines and habits are also shifting to accommodate these changes. One such area that has seen a significant change in recent times is the way we secure our homes and properties. 

For many years, traditional keys have been the default method for locking and unlocking doors, but with the rise of smart technology, more and more people are turning to smart locks as an alternative. 

In this blog post, we will delve into the struggles of having keys, the disadvantages they pose compared to smart locks, and the benefits of switching to smart locks. 


Easy to Lose

The loss or misplacement of keys is undoubtedly one of the most common struggles associated with traditional locks. Keys are small and easily misplaced, and in many cases, finding a lost key can be next to impossible.

The frustration that comes with losing a key can be compounded when you're in a hurry and need to access your home immediately. In the worst-case scenario, a lost key could mean having to break into your own property, leading to damage to the door or lock, and incurring expensive repair costs.  

The risk of lost keys goes beyond inconvenience and potential damage to your property. If someone else finds your lost key, it can be a significant security risk. An unauthorized individual who gains access to your home can cause damage, steal valuable items, or even pose a threat to the safety of you and your loved ones. 

While some people may have backup keys, these can also be lost or misplaced, leaving you in a vulnerable position.


No More Losing Keys with Smart Door Locks

Smart locks offer a more secure and convenient solution to the issue of lost keys. Smart locks are typically controlled via a smartphone app or a PIN code, making it impossible to misplace the key. 

The access code can easily be changed, revoking access for individuals who no longer require entry. This feature is particularly useful for businesses, where employees may come and go frequently, and access to the property needs to be controlled. 

Smart locks offer a more secure and convenient solution, providing peace of mind to homeowners and business owners alike. The benefits of smart locks go beyond convenience and security, and the additional features offered by smart locks make them a superior choice to traditional locks.

Costly to Replace

Replacing lost or stolen keys can be a significant expense for homeowners and business owners, especially if the keys grant access to multiple entry points. 

Traditional locks require a physical key that, if lost or stolen, must be replaced to maintain security. In most cases, this involves changing the lock or rekeying it to ensure that the lost key is no longer usable. 

The cost of replacing a lost key or changing the lock can quickly add up, particularly if multiple keys are involved.  

Smart Door Locks is the Long Term Solution for this Issue

Smart locks, on the other hand, offer a cost-effective solution to the problem of lost or stolen keys. With smart locks, you can easily reprogram or reset access codes, eliminating the need to replace the entire lock. 

This means that if a key is lost or stolen, you can quickly and easily revoke access, ensuring that your property remains secure. 

Moreover, with some smart locks, you can even grant temporary access to visitors or service providers, which can be especially useful for short-term rentals or vacation properties.  

The ability to reprogram or reset access codes is a significant advantage of smart locks, not just in terms of cost but also convenience. 

With smart locks, you no longer have to carry a physical key with you, which can be easily lost or stolen. Instead, you can use a smartphone app or a PIN code to unlock your doors, providing a secure and convenient solution to access control.


Limited Access Control

Traditional keys only offer limited access control, meaning that once a key is in someone's possession, they can access your property without any additional restrictions. This can be a major security concern if you need to grant temporary access to a contractor, cleaner, or guest.


Smart Locks Have Multiple Access Modes

Smart locks offer a much more flexible and customizable approach to access control. 

For example, you can grant temporary access to contractors, cleaners, or guests, with specific time-limited access codes. 

This means that you can provide them with access to your property only for the duration of their visit, after which the access code becomes invalid.  

Smart locks also allow you to monitor access to your property. You can receive notifications when someone enters your property, providing you with added peace of mind and security. 

Some smart locks also allow you to create access schedules, so you can control when certain individuals have access to your property.


Vulnerability to Lock Picking

Traditional locks can be vulnerable to lock picking, meaning that someone with the right tools and knowledge can gain access to your property without a key. This is not a concern with smart locks, which use advanced technology to prevent unauthorized access.


Lesser Risk to Security Breaches with Smart Door Locks 

Unlike traditional locks, smart locks use advanced technology to prevent unauthorized access, making them much more secure. Smart locks use a range of technologies, including encryption, tamper-proof sensors, and multi-factor authentication, to prevent unauthorized access to your property. These technologies work together to provide a secure and reliable solution to access control.  

For example, smart locks often use advanced encryption algorithms to ensure that access codes cannot be intercepted or decoded. They may also feature tamper-proof sensors that detect any attempts to physically manipulate the lock. 

Some smart locks may also incorporate biometric authentication, such as fingerprint scanning, to ensure that only authorized individuals can gain access.


No Remote Access

Traditional keys require you to be physically present to grant access to your property. This can be a major inconvenience if you need to let someone in while you are away from home. Smart locks, on the other hand, can be controlled remotely using a smartphone app, allowing you to grant access to your property from anywhere.


Provide Access to Guests and Other Members of Your Household with Smart Door Locks 

Smart locks offer a convenient solution to this problem. 

They can be controlled remotely using a smartphone app, allowing you to grant access to your property from anywhere. 

With a smart lock, you can send a temporary access code to a contractor, cleaner, or guest and monitor their entry and exit from your property.  Remote access control is one of the key features of smart locks, and it can offer several benefits beyond just convenience. 

For example, if you rent out your property on a short-term basis through platforms like Airbnb, smart locks can make the check-in and check-out process much smoother for your guests. You can send them a unique access code that expires once their stay is over, ensuring that they cannot re-enter your property once they have checked out.  


What Are The Best Smart Door Locks in the Market Right Now? Samsung SHP-DP609 vs Samsung SHP-DR708

While traditional keys have been the standard method for securing homes and businesses in Australia for many years, they do have their disadvantages. 

Smart locks offer greater convenience, flexibility, and security, making them an increasingly popular choice for homeowners and business owners. 

If you are interested in upgrading your property with a smart lock, we invite you to visit to explore our range of high-quality and reliable smart lock solutions.